
1,000 interfaith clerics to hold rally for Buhari’s reelection

1,000 interfaith clerics to hold rally for Buhari’s reelection

Inter-faith and Religious Organisations for Peace (NIFROP) is set to hold a grand rally of 1,000 clerics and faithfuls for the reelection of President Muhammadu Buhari in the 2019 general elections.

This was contained in a statement issued by the group in Jos recently.

The statement further stated that the Grand Rally would take place in Abuja on 7 February 2019 as divinely revealed during the forty days’ prayers and fasting.

“Eight is perfection. It symbolizes material abundance and economic success. Others might have misused such opportunity to do good things for Nigeria before, but one truly ordained by God shall make the initial four years of plowing and sowing to yield great harvests in the latter years.”

“Those with an evil intention for Nigeria have seen the glory that is soon to descend on the country once President Buhari has been re-elected.

They have resorted to lies, intimidation, and violence to confuse the electorate from doing God’s will, which is to vote for President Buhari.

Their intention for doing this is not just because they want to win and gain power at all cost. They are trying to turn Nigerians against President Buhari so that God will be displeased with the country and visit wrath upon us.”

NIFROP also stated that the essence of the Grand Rally is to enlighten voters to this uncommon combination of danger and opportunity.

“We are in danger if we contravene God’s order to re-elect President Buhari while we have a great opportunity to be blessed and thrive as a people when we do God’s will and re-elect him as our leader.

This is the message we are taking to Nigerians on the streets during the Grand Rally. Those who cannot make it to Abuja to be part of the rally can hold mini-versions in their respective cities and towns.”

It would be recalled that NIPFROP assembled over 1000 clerics from various faiths to a forty days’ prayers and fasting for President Muhammadu Buhari and the general wellbeing of the country at large.


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