
Buhari Congratulates Biden, Harris: "We Look Forward To Working With You

Buhari Congratulates Biden, Harris: "We Look Forward To Working With You

 Buhari Congratulates Biden, Harris: "We Look Forward To Working With You

President Muhammadu Buhari warmly welcomes inauguration of Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the United States of America on Wednesday, expressing hope that their presidency will mark a strong point of cooperation and support for Nigeria as well as the African continent.

President Buhari congratulates the leaders, and entire country on the successful transition, which marks an important historical inflection point for democracy as a system of government and for the global community as a whole.

“We look forward to the Biden presidency with great hope and optimism for strengthening of existing cordial relationships, working together to tackle global terrorism, climate change, poverty and improvement of economic ties and expansion of trade.

“We hope that this will be an era of great positivity between our two nations, as we jointly address issues of mutual interest,” the President added.

President Buhari and all Nigerians rejoice with President Joe Biden, sharing the proud feeling that the first woman elected Vice President of the United States has an African and Asian ancestry.


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