
Why You Should Place Some Orange Peels Around Your Patio

  Why You Should Place Some Orange Peels Around Your Patio If you toss your orange peels directly into the trash can, you might want to cons...


Why You Should Place Some Orange Peels Around Your Patio

If you toss your orange peels directly into the trash can, you might want to consider saving them because they have quite a few uses. You can use orange peels to make candied orange or create fragrant essential oil. In the same way that you can use orange peels to keep pests out of your plants, you can also scatter them around your patio to repel bugs. This is a safe, environmentally friendly alternative to traditional bug spray.

Research findings from a 2001 study published in Bioresource Technology confirm that extracts from the peels of the Citrus sinensis (sweet orange) species of orange and the Citrus aurantifolia (lime) species were effective repellents against mosquitoes and other insects, including cockroaches and houseflies. It's worth noting that this study was done using a liquid spray made of orange peel extract. However, some pest control professionals, like Orkin, claim that you can use just the peels to repel insects, too.

A 2023 study in the International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research recommends leaving orange peels around outdoor spaces to repel mosquitoes, in particular. Given this information, you might want to consider leaving orange peels around your patio to keep mosquitoes away, along with other bugs and pests.

Why orange peels will help keep pests away from your patios

You might avoid spending time on your patio due to the risk of being bitten by nearby mosquitoes and other bugs. Luckily, you can easily line your patio with orange peels to keep these pests away. This is thanks to the high limonene content in the peels, which is an insecticide. This substance affects an insect's respiratory system. You can also rub orange peels on your skin to repel mosquitoes because they interfere with their ability to detect the lactic acids that attract them to human skin.

If you are worried about placing orange peels around your patio, keep in mind that they are biodegradable, so they're a great way to repel bugs naturally. They will break down over time, even if you do not choose to collect them and dispose of them. However, you might prefer to simply get rid of them yourself eventually if you do not like the look of them scattered around your patio long term.

Other tips for keeping bugs away from your patio

There are quite a few other measures you can take to get rid of bugs near your patio. With mosquitoes in particular, you should know that these pests are attracted to body heat, so you might want to make an effort to keep your body temperature down when you're outside. "They can smell the carbon dioxide and see the heat signature of their target," mosquito expert Timothy C. Winegard explained to The Washington Post, confirming that it may be beneficial to avoid alcohol when outside since this can raise the body temperature. A large fan can also help blow mosquitoes in the opposite direction. Consider placing one on your patio. Meanwhile, wearing light colors while you're outside can help repel all kinds of biting flies. 

You can repel other bugs naturally by placing substances they are known to hate around your patio. For example, spiders are known to loathe tea tree oil and lavender oil, while cinnamon and chalk are natural ant deterrents. It always helps to keep your patio clean to reduce the chance of pests hiding in clutter, and planting certain herbs and flowers around your patio may also keep it bug-free. Potted marigolds can repel pests that bite or sting, while lemongrass, garlic, and rosemary can also be off-putting to a range of creepy crawlies. 

Source: housedigest


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